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Text Box: Fee: See entry No. 61 of the First Schedule     FORM TM-45


Application for continuance of Mark in the Refused Textile Marks List. Sec. 73 (2) (proviso), rule 145.
I (or We) 1………..hereby apply that the Mark No………….. in class………… entered in the Refused Textile Marks List Maintained under the Trade Marks Act, 1940, be continued in the said List for a period of seven years from the date of this application.
All communications relating to the application may be sent to the following address in India:
Dated this……….. day of ……..19 ……..
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Office of the Trade Marks Registry at3……………
1. Insert full name, address and nationality for proprietor.
2. Signature.
3. State the name of the place of the head office of the Trade Marks Registry.



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